Voice Notes to my Child Self realises ideas of transition and change through a modern queer identity. Through words and audio composition, a conversation with the younger inner-self is developed, playing with ideas of growth, hope and modern understandings of self care.
This work is a collaboration combining a poet-vocalist and a composer-producer, who seek to balance musical beauty and unflinching prosaical honesty.
Voice Notes to my Child Self makes use of poetry and personal utterance, illuminated and elaborated upon by music, field recordings, interweaving voice notes, verse and complex harmonies; these elements combine to create a dreamlike soundscape reverberating with meaning and symbol, always playing with the central conceit of a voice note recording from the trans adult to the primordial child self.
New Creatives is supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts.
Composer and Sound Designer – Reuben Kyriakides
Writer and Lyricist – Ellena Woolf
Poster design – Irene Jacobs
Producers – Josh Farmer, Rory Bowens and Lizzy King (NTS)

© 2023 Voice Notes To My Child Self | Website by Queer Web Design